Hi Paperplane

When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to randos is the norm. I’ll never forget the…

Intro to Manual Mode Photography

Last year I wrote about why booking too far in advance can be dangerous for your business, and this concept of margin so eloquently…

How to Appreciate the Little Things in Life and be Happy

Just the other day I happened to wake up early. That is unusual for an engineering student. After a long time I could witness the sunrise.…

Designit Wonderland

Talking to randos is the norm. I’ll never forget the conversation with the aquarium fisherman, forest ranger, and women at the Thai market.…

Empowering Brand & Value

Just the other day I happened to wake up early. That is unusual for an engineering student. After a long time I could witness the sunrise.…

Designing For Humanity

After designing my ideal week, I had a much clearer idea of how to create a framework for my week that would empower me to feel more…

PRESENTATION Techniques For Architectural Projects

Every selector has the potential to have unintended side effects by targeting unwanted elements or clashing with other selectors. More…